Virtual Sailor 8.9 is out

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Site Admin
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Virtual Sailor 8.9 is out

Post by admin »

Hi Everyone,

I have released today version 8.9 of Virtual Sailor NG, in this version the following updated were made:
  • Added two more docking points in bow.
  • Made mooring forces lighter.
  • Smoothed readings of rpm_rel instruments.
  • Weapons always lock-on when selected.
  • Telescope can be used to show lock on.
  • Default wave_scale value reduced.
  • Added boat box adjustment dialog.
  • Added button to adjust propeties and box.
  • Added more vehicle animations, anim_1,2,3,4.
  • Added [max_astern] to motor elements properties.

The boat box editing screen can be used to adjust the bounding box of the ship, this is useful for adjust positions such as bow wave,
to adjust ill behaved boat which hovers above the water with no apparent reason, and more.

After adjusting the boat box, save the box, and then load the ship again.
this will generate all the elements and positions again based on this new box.
if you are making a new ship it can be useful to save a box from an existing ship and then use inside the new
ship directory until you are all set and the model is clean and stable.

The [max_astern] property can be set now for every motor of any boat or ship, setting it to 0.25 for example will cause the ship
to sail in reverse much more slowly than in forward direction.
I did not set this by default for all existing ships.

Hope you enjoy this update.


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Re: Virtual Sailor 8.9 is out

Post by CommanderNili »

Hello Ilan and all. Very Happy to see this project progressing. The max_astern addition was necessary indeed.

As an old (very old) VS and VSF user and developer there is one thing that always bothered me. Ship's speed vs throttle is not linear. for example in a frigate with 30 knots max speed 5% throttle reaches a speed of up to 15 knots. I could never achieve a linear analogy speed vs throttle. For the desired speeds I use scripts but it's not sufficient.

I was wondering if it's feasible to add a "Has_CPP" parameter (0 or 1) so that the speed algorithm is tweaked in such a way as to produce a more linear speed - throttle relationship.

Oher than that I am very happy to return to this forum after many years.

George (aka CommanderNili)
Posts: 50
Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2021 6:39 pm

Re: Virtual Sailor 8.9 is out

Post by syrphid »

I know I am not the youngest VSF user too, but when I just found out about Ilan's Simulator I went to the forum, hanging on every word of Sea Wolves from here. I'm rather "aeronaut", but Virtual Sailor and Vehicle Simulator for me are not only the ingenious programms, but also all these legendary Salts.

Welcome back, CommanderNili!
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